RidOIL Emulsifier is made for use in heat transfer and lube systems as an organic penetrating emulsifier carbon deposit remover. This formulation is especially effective in removing deposits that have formed in the lubricated passages of any heat transfer equipment. Carbon deposits from overheating and viscosity breakdown sludge are removed, thereby increasing lubrication efficiencies. Another unique aspect of this remarkable technology is its ability to completely mix oils with water for flushing leaking lubricant cooling systems. This mixture of powerful cleaning and penetrating agents functions by piercing the matrix of the organic deposits within the system. RidOIL Emulsifier is intended for use as an optional de-oiling step in a complete program of heat transfer restoration and maintenance. The benefits realized from the use of Delta RidOIL Emulsifier should be incorporated into a complete maintenance program with one of several Delta descaler formulations. The monitored use of deposit removing solutions, safer and selective degreasers, in addition to the proper application of a complete monitoring program, is fundamental to the overall control of critical heat transfer and lube systems.
For preparation of systems to be de-oiled, Delta’s RidOIL Emulsifier should be added to a contaminated circulating lube circuit and flushed completely. The dilution chosen will be based on system particulars, but should provide for ample active solution. For oil on the water side of equipment, the Delta descaler of choice should be preceded by this circulating solution according to established procedures. Carbonized oils or heat transfer fluids may be removed by a stronger formulation.